2011.05.31 Sydney - Sydney Opera House (Australia)

Started by dsanchez, May 03, 2011, 21:11:09

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OMG Funeral Party!!!!! :smth049 :smth049 :smth007 :smth022

Thanks for the videos....and for the link to the recording!!!! :smth020
[color=red][b]I BELONG TO THE CURE!♥[/b][/color]
[color=black]Lost forever in a happy crowd![/color]
[color=purple][i]I will kiss you forever on nights like this, I will kiss you, I will kiss you...and we shall be together...[/i][/color]
[color=green]CUREFANS.COM RULEZ!:D[/color]


Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 20:46:27
Click here, this is something that might be from interest to everyone (specially those who attended the shows). Thanks Tof for letting me know :smth023

Thank you very much!!!!!   :smth023  :smth020
Datemi un cielo per caderci dentro!
LADY, la luce nel mio buio!


Just a quick one ere... The show was the ultimate exp. for me, and an added bonus was meeting up with the girls and finding more cure fans... I hope we can all repeat the experience sooner rather than later with another tour down under :) My photos didn't really come out all that good, and I didn't film anything... I reckon everyone else has more than covered it now anyway... Role on the DVD release! I'm still exhausted tbh... I feel like I have been blessed however to have been there for it. Man do I LOVE The Cure... wot a band! :smth023
"prone to flights of whimsy"


"prone to flights of whimsy"


Quote from: Secrets on June 03, 2011, 00:19:30
Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
Do you think Robert will do "Reflections" somewhere else?
Maybe I'm wrong but I wanna be optimist.....and I say yes!!! :-D

The recording sounds really good!!! Thanks again!!! :smth020

@CherryRed: Wow!!!! What beautiful curefan-brothers we have!!! :)
[color=red][b]I BELONG TO THE CURE!♥[/b][/color]
[color=black]Lost forever in a happy crowd![/color]
[color=purple][i]I will kiss you forever on nights like this, I will kiss you, I will kiss you...and we shall be together...[/i][/color]
[color=green]CUREFANS.COM RULEZ!:D[/color]


Wanted to include this also, as the Opera House really is a beautiful building... And they made it even more pretty for the festival thingy. Oh, and what a place (sound wise) for a band to do a concert in... OMG! I shut my eyes more than a few times, and WOW!

"prone to flights of whimsy"


Quote from: ~*CherryRed*~ on June 03, 2011, 12:46:46
Here we all are!!

Ah! I wish I was there! :( Next time I hope! Thanks for sharing these photos Cherry (can I put them on the Gallery?) Is Sussex still in Australia? Thanks again! :smth023
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Quote from: Lady on June 03, 2011, 12:49:26
Maybe I'm wrong but I wanna be optimist.....and I say yes!!! :-D

Well, they never did 'Trilogy' anywhere else. Being realistic, I see The Cure playing 'The Top' and other albums than doing again 'Reflections'. Anyway, I just hope to see them live and soon. Last time I went to a Cure concert was in march 2008. That's more than three years already :?
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Quote from: dsanchez on June 03, 2011, 13:01:50
Quote from: ~*CherryRed*~ on June 03, 2011, 12:46:46
Here we all are!!

Ah! I wish I was there! :( Next time I hope! Thanks for sharing these photos Cherry (can I put them on the Gallery?) Is Sussex still in Australia? Thanks again! :smth023

Sussex rang me at 8.30 am this morning (it's now 9.30pm here) to say thankyou and goodbye, as they were leaving melbourne..  :(

I've got some photos I'll try to upload here and the gallery, if i can.. ok..

Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Quote from: Lady on June 03, 2011, 10:47:03
OMG Funeral Party!!!!! :smth049 :smth049 :smth007 :smth022

Lady, I cried during The Funeral Party the 1st night, and had to leave during the 2nd night so I didn't bawl my eyes out... again!
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Quote from: ~*CherryRed*~ on June 03, 2011, 12:46:46
Here we all are!!

Cool  :smth023 So happy for you all ! Thanks for sharing!
I wish that I can post also a picture like this in September ;)
Vanilla smile and a gorgeous strawberry kiss x


Hey curefans,

Just got back from Melbourne. Seriously exhausted. Been flying like 10-15 hours, slept at the airport and all. But once again if it's about The Cure, nothing really matters.

I need some rest before I can give a little review about the REFLECTIONS. Thank you everyone who had shared videos, photos and what not. Really thought it is so excitement.

I've upload some pic, please have a look. Just from the amateur, and just for the sake of experience the sentimental value knowing that it will still be captured and filmed by all the professionals.

To met all the curefans.com colleague was an esthetic experience thus far! scatcat,~*CherryRed*~,billee, Devoblue, deanlovesthecure, kissingcrimson,tigermilk..You guys rawk!

Nonetheless, if I can say with only one word about The Cure performed in Sydney Opera House, it would be...DIVINE!

p/s : DOUBT is now one of my favorite.  :smth020
Powerful live performance thou I'd doubt that Robert can perform that well. So ironic.

Catch with you guys later.
"Thick As Shit"