2011.05.31 Sydney - Sydney Opera House (Australia)

Started by dsanchez, May 03, 2011, 21:11:09

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Quote from: dsanchez on June 01, 2011, 11:50:09
As Friedrich Nietzsche said, "Without music, life would be an error". But I would be even more specific: Without The Cure, life would be an error!

Yes David.. No mistaking The Cure is and always has been The Cure for me..
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Click here, this is something that might be from interest to everyone (specially those who attended the shows). Thanks Tof for letting me know :smth023

2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo




2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Quote from: billee on June 01, 2011, 07:08:29
Well we got snapped by Triple M Sydney as billee mentioned before!
Ere's the link
As you can see the 'tee' made it online hahahaha brilliant... Sussex rawks!

COOL :rocker Thanks for sharing  :smth023
Vanilla smile and a gorgeous strawberry kiss x


Vanilla smile and a gorgeous strawberry kiss x


Quote from: Secrets on June 02, 2011, 15:48:07
Truly epic.
Happy to report that with the Jazzmaster back in hands, the band sounded fantastic. Even for the three-piece incarnation the sound was full and clear, and blow me down...lush.  The lesser songs on 3IB actually sounded pretty good live.  It was great to see Robert playing so much guitar again. Not just noodling away, but all the rapid chord progressions of the punky numbers. And sure, he might be somewhat embarrassed at some of those naff teenage compositions now, but they attacked them with full gusto.

Thank you for sharing this excellent review, Secrets.

Although I have not been at the concerts, I have lots of questions after reading reviews and watching videos. Maybe you, the people who went to the shows and the rest of Cure fans have the answers?

First of all, do you think this have been the best performance of Jason with the band? (For the first time in years I personally loved how the drums sounded)  Can we expect no sequences for 'Push' in future concerts?

Do you think a big part of the success of these concerts relies in the use of brands like Fender?

The atmosphere and music seen in the YouTube videos confirm that The Cure definitely needs keyboards. Would you agree with that?

What line-up do you see for the Bestival?

Robert's voice sounds better than in past concerts (see 'Coachella' for instance). It's just me?

Do you think Robert will do "Reflections" somewhere else?

At the end of the first night Robert said "see you at the top". What did he mean with that?

Were these concerts the best in Cure's history together with 'Orange' and 'Show'? (I personally think 'Reflections' surpass 'Trilogy')

Was this a "dreamed" set list in a Cure concert? If not, what songs would have made it perfect?
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


According off what Halo Cure (Rev Heron) wrote on her facebook ... she spoke to Robert and he confirmed that Porl shall be part off the line-up @ Bestival :rocker

And I'm very happy to read that, seems everyone forgot that he was missing there in Sydney  :(
Vanilla smile and a gorgeous strawberry kiss x


Quote from: Secrets on June 02, 2011, 15:48:07
Those Fender guitars sound sweet.
there's a small note about the concert in the official Fender blog. I hope Robert will use these guitars in future shows! :smth023
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


f*ck Parental Advisory.  Mines a Pint.


f*ck Parental Advisory.  Mines a Pint.


f*ck Parental Advisory.  Mines a Pint.


Some of those questions we'll be able to debate and ponder on over the coming months! But it does give us something positive to think about.
The media reviews I've read are all really positive, and the fans have been raving.

Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
First of all, do you think this have been the best performance of Jason with the band? (For the first time in years I personally loved how the drums sounded)  Can we expect no sequences for 'Push' in future concerts?
I thought Jason was very good. Jumping Someone Elses Train on Night 2 sounded a little off to me, but I'll check out the audio out to see if that's just me.  The only song I recall having any backing track was In Your House, but that's cos the original had it in the intro. But remember those early albums were with Lol drumming, and some basic drum loops. Boris was something else...

Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
Do you think a big part of the success of these concerts relies in the use of brands like Fender?
I think the key is that the used the same instruments that the albums were recorded with. I expected as much after they the same thing with Trilogy. It certainly made the sound more authentic.

I haven't liked the Cure sound since they switched to the Schecter guitars which I find way to bright and harsh sounding (aren't they made more for metal bands?). I read somewhere that the red guitar used for the last encore was the same type used to record Lovecats, and there's Roger's comments on Robert's requirements for the keyboard sounds, so it was a very concerted effort to get the sounds as close to the original as possible.

My fav cure guitar sound is actually sound on the Wish album, and Robert's main guitar there was the Gretsch Chet Atkins. But for the Signature early sound, it had to be the Fenders.

Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
The atmosphere and music seen in the YouTube videos confirm that The Cure definitely needs keyboards. Would you agree with that?
For me personally, it's always been part of their signature sound. But music trends tend to shift so I don't begrudge them for mixing it up over the years.  They 90s had a real backlash to the 80s synth sounds.
I thought the 4 Tour intepretations was a great way to add some freshness for the band and the audience on some very familar songs. It got Porl more involved too.
But I like the keys :->

Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
What line-up do you see for the Bestival?
No idea. Someone posted that Porl would be back, which is great news. I wouldn't expect Roger, but who knows.

Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
Robert's voice sounds better than in past concerts (see 'Coachella' for instance). It's just me?
He sounded very good to me, though not as much long wailing as in the past. The reverb during the Faith set especially sweetened it up and made for a very ambient moody sound.

Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
Do you think Robert will do "Reflections" somewhere else?
No. Next up The Top/HOTD! Maybe some old songs will find they way back into the setlist next time round.

Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
At the end of the first night Robert said "see you at the top". What did he mean with that?
He was having a bit of fun tongue-in-cheek, and was waving his hand in the way to indicate "and the next one, and the next one...." But why not? They've done 6 albums now and the audience was mad for them.

Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
Were these concerts the best in Cure's history together with 'Orange' and 'Show'? (I personally think 'Reflections' surpass 'Trilogy')
Orange was pretty special when I watched it all those years ago. I said to someone after that Reflections reminded me of Orange in many ways. As my friend says, Trilogy comes across as a little soulless, and the songs on that set are much more familar to audiences (and Disintegration with Porl is a much different beast than with Perry).
They did have some pretty incredible (at the time) concerts in France in the 90s, didn't they?
I feel very lucky to have been there this week though. Seeing the Cure is always special no matter what.

Quote from: dsanchez on June 02, 2011, 22:04:27
Was this a "dreamed" set list in a Cure concert? If not, what songs would have made it perfect?
Everyone has their favs, so we'd all be different on that. If they had of mixed up the encores on the second night it would have been even better, but you do lose context of the album b-sides non-album singles.
Ignoring that, I would have died if night two had Happy the man, Lament, Just One Kiss instead of Descent, Splintered and Hanging Garden.....and replace the final encore with Shake Dog Shake, Empty World, The Top...


Oh, and just on the guitar sound, they were also playing through Roland amps, and that's where the Jazz Chorus sound comes from, if I remember correctly.