2011.05.31 Sydney - Sydney Opera House (Australia)

Started by dsanchez, May 03, 2011, 21:11:09

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Hi everyone !!!!!!!
The Three Imaginary girls are finally back live from our hotel in downtown Sydney. Don't forget the Encore Curefans meetup again tonight at 5.30-6pm. There was no Cure merchandise available for sale last night boo hoo. Only Vivid Festival T shirts. Cherry is going to take control of the ship now so she can put up a link to some photos that Triple M took of us and many others last night. David you will be very pleased  :D
Here's Cherry
The other one feeds on my hesitation
Grows inside of my trepidaton
Buries his claws in my dislocation
I whisper your name to lose control


Oi ppls, Cheery ere under billee's account to post, cause i forgot my password ;p
Well we got snapped by Triple M Sydney as billee mentioned before!
Ere's the link

As you can see the 'tee' made it online hahahaha brilliant... Sussex rawks!
I can't express just yet wot last night meant for me personally... But guys, I was BLOWN AWAY.
AND theres still TONIGHT's to go.... OMbloodyG lol!!
KK over to scatcat now...
luv yas mwah.
The other one feeds on my hesitation
Grows inside of my trepidaton
Buries his claws in my dislocation
I whisper your name to lose control


Hiya everyone!  :smth006   It's me.. scatcat! reporting side by side with the girls!

SO AMAZINGLY UNBELIEVEABLE!! I am speechless for the moment.. I lost my voice last night...  :smth020

It was soo great to meet all Curefans.. awesomeness.! Robert was such a honey and soo happy.. smiling and enjoying the whole night. Roars went up when Roger, then Lol came on, they were happy too!

We waved to the cameras and we are sure to be on the DVD!

Can't believe that MMM approached Us for photos.. and Sussex showed off his Curefans T-Shirt.. there's a photo of me, sussex, and ~*CherryRed*~ , also the whole group of us, with kissingcrimson, Billee and mates.. The one with kissingcrimson with her Robert Doll... How cute they are together..

All us girls had  tears.. I am soo stoked to have them play Charlotte.. coz I was screaming it out for them to play... How Amazing the night was.. wish we could bring back the atmosphere and send it all to you!  :smth055

We met DeanLovesTheCure, Devoblue and hope to see them again and more curefans who have tix for tonight..

Gotta get some rest now for tonight's encore.. over and out!!

Scatcat  xx

The other one feeds on my hesitation
Grows inside of my trepidaton
Buries his claws in my dislocation
I whisper your name to lose control


Oh and by the way there were 21 agains in a Forest last night. Most of the crowd were counting along as well. :smth020
The other one feeds on my hesitation
Grows inside of my trepidaton
Buries his claws in my dislocation
I whisper your name to lose control


Looking at your faces and reading your comments all I can say is: THAT IS happiness. So glad for you guys!

As Friedrich Nietzsche said, "Without music, life would be an error". But I would be even more specific: Without The Cure, life would be an error!
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Quote from: billee on June 01, 2011, 07:08:29
Well we got snapped by Triple M Sydney as billee mentioned before!
Ere's the link
As you can see the 'tee' made it online hahahaha brilliant... Sussex rawks!
I just saw the pictures. You all look great! Thanks for sharing! :smth023
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Hi guys!
Back in Melbourne now.. after a slight technical malfunction with our qantas flight! ( all is fine, and they were great about it  )

I actually got the actual setlist for the 4b- ENCORE!
which, I'm sure you all know by now, was

Over the moon about that  :-D

I haven't had time yet to try and upload phots I have, but will soon post them..

The reviews in The Sydney Morning Herald for Wednesday, June Ist.. were spot on ..

.. there was more in the article in the paper than what I can find online for now..

and also in The Australian, on Thursday 2nd June, brilliant..

I'll try pop up links.. if not already done somewhere..

Here's some photos from the Vivid site of our boys....  :smth023


Gotta get some rest, but back soon for more details..

Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


thanks for the links scatcat! (I just put them on the first post where we are summarizing all the info) take a rest!
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo


Hi everyone as scatcat said we had a few technical difficulties on the plane as we were just moving onto the runway thingy. I always said qantas were who I'd want to fly with ( I do watch far too many episodes of aircrash investigations but I was awfully glad that our pilots wanted to have the issue sorted out. Sorry I am rambling  :smth043  I'm shocking on planes
Anyway I am having a few days rest as I am exhausted but it's an extremely happy exhaustion so I will hopefully be back on my real computer on Monday.
Hopefully I will have some worthwhile stuff to share with all of you
The other one feeds on my hesitation
Grows inside of my trepidaton
Buries his claws in my dislocation
I whisper your name to lose control


Here is a picture of a few hot chicks in the audience on the second night (viewer discretion advised).


My Vid of The Weedy Burton with Roberts intro

I have a heap of others posted also
f*ck Parental Advisory.  Mines a Pint.


f*ck Parental Advisory.  Mines a Pint.


f*ck Parental Advisory.  Mines a Pint.


Truly epic.

Happy to report that with the Jazzmaster back in hands, the band sounded fantastic. Even for the three-piece incarnation the sound was full and clear, and blow me down...lush.  The lesser songs on 3IB actually sounded pretty good live.  It was great to see Robert playing so much guitar again. Not just noodling away, but all the rapid chord progressions of the punky numbers. And sure, he might be somewhat embarrassed at some of those naff teenage compositions now, but they attacked them with full gusto.

I was wary of how the 20 min intermission might interrupt the flow and occasion, but it really did give you time to comedown and emotionally reset. So when the lights dimmed and the band came back on, I was amped up and ready to start again. A Reflection instantly had me transfixed and holding my breath.  The rest of the crowd seemed likewise.

The 17 Seconds tracklist worked much better than I anticipated, ebbing and flowing and having a lot more punch and energy than comes across on the album (You can see this in the You Tube vids of Secrets and Three).
I expect that because it was a much smaller venue, and specialist concert hall, there was no need to crank the volume till your ears bled and the bass drum fluttered your heart in your chest (ala Wish tour). The result was an incredibly clear, textured and rich sound. The 17 Seconds set really sparkled for me the first night.

By Faith, I was already getting uptight that the end was rushing forward too soon (if only I'd known we were only halfway through!). Kudos to Jason. I haven't been a fan of his softly softly style in the past, but throughout the night I thought he was strong,, solid and booming.  He really drove hard, and Simon thundered right along with him. Faith is my fav album, so this was very moving - like an out of body experience. My personal highlight was Funeral Party. The stark downcast white lights, hypnotic drums, Roberts trance-instilling vocal...
The extra percussion splashes provided by Lol, and even Roger at times, on some of the tracks added to the intensity.

Am I alone in thinking World War was absolutely fantastic? That dirgy bassline and Robert's flanged guitar totally rocked out. I thought the crowd on the first night was a little subdued, but they were on their feet when the encores kicked in.
Encores..they kept bringing out setlists when we thought surely they were done.  I could write as much again about the encores, but I'm truly exhausted after 2 intense nights and a number of hours travelling!

Interesting to read Dean's comments as I share many of the same impressions.
- I thought Jason did an excellent job.
- The band seemed restrained on the first night (maybe trying to get as much right for the recording as possible?). From memory Robert didn't seem to push some of the long notes on songs as much as he did on the second night. Other Voices on the second night sticks out in particular.
- The crowd also seemed more subdued on the first night.
- Those Fender guitars sound sweet.
- Yeah, on the 2nd night Lol muffed the end of ACAG, and Simon had a moment in Drowning man, but I don't care.

Downer of the night was the two girls behind us on the first night who didn't show up for the 3IB set, and when they did appear during the first intermission wanted to know if they'd played Just Like Heaven yet cos it was their favourite song...ugh.

Best part, everyone will get to share in this experience with the release of the DVD! I only hope it captures the feeling of these concerts. Trilogy, for all it's technical brilliance and quality comes across as very sterile to me.

I'm not much of a camera person, but i did snap a couple of shots.
Funeral Party


 ;) devoblue .. great pics and links!

Just to report that there were are afew injuries sustained at the concerts.. Firstly from the 'wish' necklace I wore the first night.. OUCH!  :smth011  from 'jumping someone else's train' , as well as the stage dive at the end of the 2nd night.. for the setlists...  :-D ( not from me, but one fan hit her leg on the tracks, and another hit her head.. thank god I was too sore to even get in the  mosh!!  :lol: )

Yep.. two words.. WEEDY BURTON!  :rocker

Robert was in great form. He did change the words a bit..  :) WE ALL KNOW that he NEVER forgets the words... :smth047  He was teasing us all with his comments.. YES! He spoke to the crowd!!  .. especially joking that they were going to "drop some acid" before the 3rd set and encores..  :smth046   :smth043
LOVE YOU ROGER! the other words I screamed.. Tossing his hair around...  :smth045  ..

The first night the crowd was more subdued, yes, it wasn't until the 2nd set that the crowd behind us even got to their feet!!  :smth011

LOL LOL LOL!!!  When he came on stage the first night... the crowd ROARED !! there were smiles all round..  to see Mad Bob, Roger, and Lol.. they had a great time.

SIMON ( who everyone wants to shag  :smth008 ) really warmed up for the 2nd night , his birthday.. ( we all know what he got as birthday present.. don't we??  :D ) He really loosened up his epic poses, and was jumping and spinning like a TOP..  :smth035

Jason.. well...  :smth023 to use those sticks the way he did... No-one can forget how the beat felt .. the beat of The Cure.. I can still feel it in my heart!!

I did lose my dignity.. witnessed by quite a few.. when I ran through the SOH screaming "I got it!!" when I got the setlist..  :oops:

Many tears were shed.. emotionally charged times we all had.. Kleenex all round hey 3IG?? Luvs U all!!  :smth052

:smth041 :smth039 :smth040 :smth038 :smth026  :smth055

Words falter when you have seen them live.. I am just soo happy.. soo Wonderfully , wonderfully, wonderfully HAPPY! Dooo-doo-doo-do-do do-do-do..Doo-Doo-Do-Do-Do-do-do doo!!


Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Seventeen seconds
A measure of life