Sleep when I'm dead

Started by revolt, July 04, 2008, 10:55:28

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Quote from: Bloodflower

First of all ... you silly man!

Well, you kinda contradict yourself, but all in all that (2004) album was a success, and it can be considered as lesser only by the cure standards.

There are no great new songs so far.

The Only One is fairly good, but I liked the earlier versions more.
NY Trip is fairly satisfying, but only because it sounds like so many cure songs
Down Under is OK. I think that could be a great song and it might grow on me...
The rest is magnificently both under and over produced, and scarred by uninspired playing and incredibly lazy writing.

So far, it's murder I say, and I hope they don't get away with it!

Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


My stand on the new songs thus far (for what it's worth).

Underneath The Stars is a sensation. A classic "Cure" moment & possibly a new Plainsong.
The Only One. Was always going to be a single & the singles are usually the weak links right? When I got the single I was pleasantly surprised that it had mor dimension than the European live version.
The Perfect Boy took a while, but it's another instant single choice. Lightweight & catchy. Nice tune tbh.
Fudshow was a pet hate of many including me. I saw it in the USA & was stunned at what they had done to the arrangement. Great single slightly reminiscent of I Dig You. Silly but still "Cure".
A Boy I Never Knew. What can I say? Something to rival Bloodflowers?
Sleep When I'm Dead. Live it was a corker. I likened it to old Mission stuff. Great. The single stinks though.
Baby Rag Dog Book. My pick of the bunch. That's the punk in me I guess. I hope they don't fcuk this up the same as they did to SWID.
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Quote from: Bloodflower on July 19, 2008, 11:39:16
The songs The Cure releases as singles have NEVER been the best songs of the sessions:

Going Nowhere, This Morning, Bloodflowers, The Last Day of Summer, Want, Jupiter Crash, From the Edge, Open, Disintegration, The Same Deep Water, The Kiss, If Only Tonight, Sinking, Push, Shake Dog Shake, Birdmad Girl, The Figurehead, Pornography, All Cats Are Grey, Faith, At Night, Secrets, 10.15 Saturday Night, Fire In Cairo.....

Not one a single.

Yeah, but '10:15' was a B-side...

And 'Fire in Cairo' has SINGLE written all over it, I suppose it wasn't realeased as one only because in 1979 The Cure had already enough great singles...


Quote from: rodney on July 18, 2008, 22:51:44
Well, for one thing the songs sound emotional again (even if the lyrics usually aren't).  There is an anger to the new songs that I think people are going to notice.

Come on, there was no lack of emotion in 'Bloodflowers' or 'The Cure'. The problems of those albums were of a different kind.
And you can find all the anger you need in songs like '39', 'Us or Them' or 'Lost' (even if only this last one is a great song).

Quote from: rodney on July 18, 2008, 22:51:44

  I think Robert's voice sounds stronger than it has in a very long time on these songs, and it appears from the live performances that I've seen that the band believes in the material and enjoys playing it.

Robert's voice has ALWAYS been STRONG. That's one thing he has never lost (besides his sense of humour, that is...  :-D). In some concerts he might have had problems due to some health condition or another, but that's all. In the self-titled album he sounds both powerful and passionate, even in songs that wouldn't merit such an emotional approach...


i'm backflipping again: these so-far-released new songs are growing on me. and Baby Rag Dog Book [or whatever it's called] ROCKS!! Bring the new album and bring it good and soon!!!


Quote from: [labyrinth] on July 14, 2008, 13:58:28
this is an exclusive by

btw on-topic: the thread above still had the old link, here's the updated one:

Quote from: Steve on July 19, 2008, 10:41:19
Quote from: rodney on July 19, 2008, 01:31:51
How's yellow?

Much better.
The blue made my eyes water a bit.
Thx ;)

yellow might be better than blue at first, but it becomes totally impossible to read when someone quotes you, like here:,5344.msg54118.html#msg54118

that's just very hard to read, even if you try highlighting the text.

actually, it would be very nice if everyone used colors only to enhance a few words here and there when absolutely needed, and not to color up all our posts from head to toe. i know some people like that because it's easy to spot your own posts that way, but you can just as well pick an avatar that really stands out :shock: ;). that'll do the same trick.
that way it's much more pleasant for everyone alike to read through what we're all saying - because i think that's what we're mainly interested in, right? ;)

thanks everyone for your understanding.
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


the topic has been split.
please see here for the conversation about song rating etc!:


let's keep this thread on-topic but please do keep on the conversation both fronts :smth023

ps. nothing has been deleted, just moved/split.
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


Do you want me to edit my post?


Quote from: japanesebaby on July 22, 2008, 14:24:03
Quote from: rodney on July 22, 2008, 14:18:48
Do you want me to edit my post?

on my behalf nobody needs to edit anything. i have not edited any post contents, but please do point me out if you think i did any unnecessary violence to your posts with the surgery operation and let's try to put it right.
i did try to split the topic so that all posts that didn't have any relation to 'sleep when i'm dead' are found in the new topic. i hope this doesn't cause annoyance and i hope i didn't manage to mess up the conversation for anyone. but there was simply two interesting conversations getting intertwined so the split was done for clarity purposes.

*edit: oh you mean the color, sorry i was dumb for a while. :-P
well i'll leave it up to you to decide, what comes to editing the old posts. but let's just not use yellow & co. in the future. ;)

Oh, no!

Now you'll have to split the topic again on the matter of color of the letters!!!



Don't do that again, because if the topic works and comes to 100 posts it only means that people like it and you should leave it as it is! Now we have a dubious topic "About Rating Songs" and even more dubious about "Sleep When I'm Dead" ...

Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


hmm i wonder what eaxctly is "dubious" about it? :?:
both threads seem to me to be well alive.
i do see your point of course but the thread was completely derailing for a rather long period of time (meaning several posts, not just one or two).
after all, this is supposed to be the news section.
(and i very well do understand what you mean by popular topics, but just to get something up to 100 posts is not the means itself: if it's 50 posts of this and 50 posts of that, i see two separate threads.)

*edit: Janko, why not please send the possible reply in a pm so we don't end up messing this thread even more?
+i've cleaned the thread a bit so that the "color section" won't bother you so much. :)


Quote from: nausearockpig on July 19, 2008, 03:02:32
i'm hoping that these mix13s are the reason, but I'm not sure how they can be "fixed" by the "real" mixes.... either way i'm gonna hold out until the record comes out... mind you it is fun watching you all vent your opinions!!!

i've actually decided not to buy/listen to any of the remaining singles (i've only heard first two) and wait until the album comes out. and if it's just as bad then it's just as bad and that's it - i can always sell it on ebay later... :-P. anyway i just don't want any of these annoying teasers that only hurt my ears and make me squirm...  :x
Ay, in the very temple of Delight
Veil'd Melancholy has her sovran shrine


i find myself humming Sleep.. all the time and listening to Down Under makes me happy. I remember thinking yesterday that the "songs are good" and growing on me.. and Baby Rag Dog Book rocks.. sure i typed that on another topic somewhere!!


Quote from: nausearockpig on July 22, 2008, 10:15:20
Bring the new album and bring it good and soon!!!

Yeah!! Good to see someone excited about the album.  :smth023
I've liked all of the songs so far. Sure, they're not their best songs ever but I'm tired of comparing the new to the old. This is new Cure and we should all 'give it a go' and support them because they are THE CURE.

Bring on Oct. 13! :smth020


So far SWID is the least fave of the singles for me.  I do enjoy the intro, and it's feel. But then it changes, and looses me.  But it's not a bad song.  But even the worst cure song EVER is better than half the crap they play on the radio these days.


Quote from: thecupcakegeisha on July 23, 2008, 10:28:50
I do enjoy the intro, and it's feel. But then it changes, and looses me.
funny that's what I think is the better part, after the intro...
Quote from: thecupcakegeisha on July 23, 2008, 10:28:50
But even the worst cure song EVER is better than half the crap they play on the radio these days.
I have to disagree. I know I'll probably be crucified as a heretic or worse, get negative karma points, but have you heard The Lovecats? I can't begin to describe how ill that song makes me feel when I hear it and worse when people go "oh yeah The Cure, with that song Love Cats??" GGGGRRRRRRrrrrrrrr.........


Quote from: thecupcakegeisha on July 23, 2008, 10:28:50
But even the worst cure song EVER is better than half the crap they play on the radio these days.

Well, but that also means that the worst Cure song ever is WORSE than THE OTHER HALF of the CRAP they play on the radio... Are you subtly trying to bash The Cure, or what?  ;) :-D