Happy today because....

Started by Steve, April 14, 2007, 10:39:40

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HT .. because I found my new glasses!!   :smth045

I can see, I can see, I can see  :smth026
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Thanks my Lord....i'm unbeliever

Carnage Visor

It's my birthday!

I am turning sweet sixteen!

Happy Happy Joy Joy!


Quote from: Carnage Visor on February 18, 2008, 22:04:02
It's my birthday!

I am turning sweet sixteen!

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Happy Birthday mate
Thanks my Lord....i'm unbeliever


Quote from: Carnage Visor on February 18, 2008, 22:04:02
It's my birthday!

I am turning sweet sixteen!

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

MMMWWWHHHAAAAHHH   :smth050  big kisses..   :smth058
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life

Carnage Visor

Quote from: scatcat on February 18, 2008, 23:07:58
MMMWWWHHHAAAAHHH   :smth050  big kisses..   :smth058

Thanks, pal. I feel great!

I'm holding off my party until next week, there's just so much I want to do!  ;)


HT: because my son wants to join up to greenpeace and become a vegetarian!!
(he soo takes after me.. at the same age ,13, i wanted to do the same..)
he actually wants to be a vegan : no animal products at all.
thank god my speciality is vegeatarian foods!

when he was born, my family teased me that i would turn him into a vegetarian.. but he's made this choice on his own!  :smth023

he doesn't like the fact of where meat comes from, and feels sorry for the animals. ( even fish and chicken!)
the tough thing is.. his Dad has no idea how to prepare vegetarian foods.. cos I used to cook them when we were married.  :roll:

so.. tofu on the menu starting next week, he already doesn't drink cow's milk, or eat eggs.

also one other thing: @melly.. we had tonnes of rain here yesterday/last night, so things are cooling down a bit here.. hope it does for you too.. in this "sunburnt country" of ours!!
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


good on your boy!! There are so many delicious vegetarian dishes, you are only stunted by your imagination...it's NOT like what a lot of people think, just lentil burgers and celery sticks.!!.. yummy food that's so good for you too!

Rain?? what's that?? It  has gone right around us...not a drop...a drip..... nothing.... the earth is parched....the farmers are walking off their land.... :smth011

BUT I'm happy today...my "boy" is truly in love...he has told me he will be asking his girlfriend to marry him before too long.... and she has a little boy, only 5 years old...he adores my son, and when I saw them together when we were in Adelaide, it brought a lump to my throat... I am so proud of the man my son has become..... makes an old gal happy...... truly does... :smth050 :smth045
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Quote from: scatcat on February 18, 2008, 13:29:36
HT .. because I found my new glasses!!   :smth045

I can see, I can see, I can see  :smth026
I bought new amazing glasses, too!!!What a coincidence, ahahah!!!  :D
I'm so happy because these are the best glasses I ever had!!!! :-D
[color=red][b]I BELONG TO THE CURE!♥[/b][/color]
[color=black]Lost forever in a happy crowd![/color]
[color=purple][i]I will kiss you forever on nights like this, I will kiss you, I will kiss you...and we shall be together...[/i][/color]
[color=green]CUREFANS.COM RULEZ!:D[/color]


Quote from: Lady on February 21, 2008, 15:33:30
I bought new amazing glasses, too!!!What a coincidence, ahahah!!!  :D
I'm so happy because these are the best glasses I ever had!!!! :-D

I spent a small fortune on new frames and lenses ( i am long-sighted )
I have a focusing problem.. my eyes just get too tired and I can't read for too long, ( i have trouble reading and writing for too long without them!)
but my new glasses ..trendy new frames picked out by my bambino.. so i feel really cool now.  :smth023

I misplaced them.. and really happy i did find them hiding under a pile of books!!
I think mine are the best i've had so far.. i just supposed to wear them more often.. especially when on computer and when i get tired!!
:D :D :D
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


I met some amazing people last night & got shedded with them.
Marika, Stef & Fabian.

Unforgettable. :-D
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake

Carnage Visor

I'm just happy! I just got a new poster of Dead Kennedys from my friend yesterday, and we went to see "BE KIND REWIND"  :-D

For some reason, I felt really hateful and depressed about myself yesterday. I wanted to kill myself, and I felt there was no way out of my miserable life and that I was never going to make it anywhere!!! :shock:


I realized that it was because I hadn't taken my perscription meds that morning (and skipping a day puts me into a wild mood swing, just like the album), and so today I took an extra pill and I've felt great all day...a tad tired at the moment, but that's because it's past 12.

P.S. Just to clear things up, I don't "abuse" meds or anything. I take what the doctor perscribes for me. I don't want anyone to get worried, thinking I'm a rapid pill-popper! (although I made it sound like I was didn't I? lol) :)



 :D Happy today because I got perfect marks in History, Science , French and Chinese!!

I can pat myself on the back for knuckling down and applying myself!!
I feel good!  :smth023
Who am I? Who are you? Is this world what we percieve it to be? Do we even exist?


Going to Rome tomorrow.
Can't wait :-D
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Quote from: CureCrusader on February 27, 2008, 13:21:36
:D Happy today because I got perfect marks in History, Science , French and Chinese!!

I can pat myself on the back for knuckling down and applying myself!!
I feel good!  :smth023

WELL DONE!!!!  sounds like hard work to me ( but I am of the age where my brain just flops about inside my head now!) and you SHOULD be proud of yourself!! :smth023 :smth023
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...it's about learning to dance in the rain "...