Happy today because....

Started by Steve, April 14, 2007, 10:39:40

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Quote from: Hero on October 29, 2007, 22:11:38
My lovely mummy surprised me with cure tickets for Paris!!!! :rocker
my mother never did anything similar.....what a lucky son
Thanks my Lord....i'm unbeliever

Yanna Sometimes

Quote from: Hero on October 29, 2007, 22:11:38
My lovely mummy surprised me with cure tickets for Paris!!!! :rocker

Awww my mom doesn't love me. JK.
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
That the dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
[i]Mad World[/i]


Quote from: Yanna Sometimes on October 29, 2007, 23:23:42

Awww my mom doesn't love me. JK.

IMPOSSIBLE!! us mums are different people.. you get a great one, an average one or a not-so-good-one, but we still love our kids..no matter what.. " over my dead body" I would do anything for my son.. try and beleive this.. i was probably ( some might say DEFINATELY) a troubled teen. You have to get through this, to emerge on the other side as the person you will become.. it takes time.. like a cocoon.. you will be a butterfly one day.. irresistable to all. :smth051

Your mum may not have tickets for Paris, but, does she look after you, feed you,  it's more than some can deal with, after all.. mums are just flawed same as everyone, we try our best.

here's ~hugs~ :smth058

Happy today because ...it's almost 6am and busy listening to the mexico recordings.. hearing the crowd there sing along.. priceless!! thanks J!

Happy today because... I just realised how typically naiive I am in the modern sex education/vocabulary stuff.. in regards to certain lyrics I never really got !  :oops: it makes me laugh..  :smth001  i gotta go on a field trip or something!  :-D

Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Quote from: psichonaut on October 29, 2007, 19:52:57
@ Rogue and Alluvial...found you annoying?
Oh no, you make me feel as i was 17 old :lol: :lol: :lol: :smth023


Lots of laughs, thats a cute compliment  :-D

EEk its morning already, were does time go....- Happy because its a long weekend and i get to sleep inn  :smth015

p.s. Hero do you think your Mum might adopt me ?  please ? 


Quote from: AlluivialL on October 29, 2007, 18:21:33
Yes..I haven't left my house in a long time..

@AlluvialL: me too: boundaries don't just involve parents but mental boundaries. I'm a bit like a vampire.. don't sleep at nite, sleep in the day..
if I don't have nitemares!! :twisted:

Parents just need to know for their own sake that u are safe. First hand experience here! e.g.  I have to make sure my son is SAFE. + I have psychological boundaries that prevent me from going anywhere 'new'. freaky, but true..  :smth100

On topic: happy today   because my son is home again, and I picked 2nd in Melbourne Cup today!! 4th year in a row!!

and.. my migraine   :twisted:  is finally fading, ergo, I can look at the PC without having to lie down.  :shock:
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Quote from: ROGUE on November 05, 2007, 18:20:25

p.s. Hero do you think your Mum might adopt me ?  please ? 

Haha! My mum has been really nice recently (not that shes horrible normaly just extra nice) but it makes me suspicious  :? and happy obviously!

Im happy today beacuse.... everything is working out, i thought this week was going to be really bad but its turning out to be pretty good, except that i stood on glass and got my feet cut but im still very happy!


I'm a mum.. but I wouldn't mind being adopted by a new mum.

Throughout my life, everybody else's mum seemed better and nicer and kinder than mine.. Still does.. Can I be adopted too?? I ask this to my friend's mum who cooks every week for the whole family.. my maternal mother won't cook for anyone!!

I'm happy things better with your mum. It kills us to think we are  not as great as we want to be, but life stops us from becoming the person we want to be, just as it does for the younger generation...

Response:  just pause and LIVE

Hero: I'm sure your mum is caring for your cut feet because she cares.  :smth058
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Bleh...Migraines are the worst things ever. Thankfully I only get about 4-5 a year, but. I have chronic headaches, that are every day. I wish I could go the nocturnal way, but my parents make me get up in the morning, so. I usually end up getting like 2 hours of sleep. I know they need to know I'm safe, but I need some space too?
I think after I graduate I might have Agoraphobia. I practically do, but not severe.
But I think I get a bit confused, am I seducing or being seduced?


Today has been brilliant!
There was a fire at school! In my class too! People were messing with chemicals and then my teacher casually said, you can make a bomb with that mix, then there was a fire in the classroom and two fire engines and the bomb squad ppl were called out and we got to go home early!!!
Then i went shopping and "lullabye" was on the radio in the shop (okay im a bit sad :-D) but it made me smile!


Quote from: Hero on November 07, 2007, 19:23:43
Today has been brilliant!
There was a fire at school! In my class too! People were messing with chemicals and then my teacher casually said, you can make a bomb with that mix, then there was a fire in the classroom and two fire engines and the bomb squad ppl were called out and we got to go home early!!!
Then i went shopping and "lullabye" was on the radio in the shop (okay im a bit sad :-D) but it made me smile!

Man you're lucky! :smth011 The best thing that happened at my school is when I got my arm broken from some creeep with a hockey stick.  :smth011 :smth011 :smth011

Maybe you're mum is so nice because she wants a christmas present....
Who am I? Who are you? Is this world what we percieve it to be? Do we even exist?

Cure Freak

it's my BF's birthday!

and it's Porl's bithday!!


Im happy today because i managed to get tickets to see My Bloody Valentine in Glasgow next year! :-D

More than happy in fact, Dancing like i cant hear the beat and dont give a ffffffffurther thought to things like feet to follow next!  8)


HT because I saw BRMC last night & they rocked  :rocker
I know tomorrow's going to taste like cake


Happy today because the postal gods smile on me and bestow their blessings upon my mailbox -- I got my Cure tickets for Milan (bought them on ebay a few days ago since it was sold out) and the DVD of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead which I ordered over a month ago! And no bills at all!
What a lovely mail day! :smth081

Carnage Visor

Because I'm here with my dad, my music, and I have you guys here to talk to!  :smth023