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Started by Steve, April 08, 2007, 08:56:52

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And speaking of tributes to Can, this band takes its name from a track on Future Days


A treat of a song. When I hear this song it's like someone's placing a treat directly into my mouth

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"Strawberries, cherries and..."

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Amid a completely heartbreaking album cataloging extreme human tragedies including child abuse, addiction, suicide etc, this series of musings about men of good fortune vs men of poor beginnings somehow manages to be the single saddest song for me. Something about life's ironclad determinism that only seems to be vindicated however you invert it...

Men of good fortune, often cause empires to fall
While men of poor beginnings, often can't do anything at all
The rich son waits for his father to die
The poor just drink and cry
And me I just don't care at all

Men of good fortune, very often can't do a thing
While men of poor beginnings, often can do anything
At heart they try to act like a man
Handle things the best way they can
They have no rich daddy to fall back on

Men of good fortune, often cause empires to fall
While men of poor beginnings, often can't do anything at all
It takes money to make money they say
Look at the Fords, but didn't they start that way
Anyway, it makes no difference to me

Men of good fortune, often wish that they could die
While men of poor beginnings want what they have
And to get it they'll die
All those great things that life has to give
They want to have money and live
But me, I just don't care at all

Men of good fortune
Men of poor beginnings


I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


The incomparably gifted Kate Bush



We did the letter J today and I am just adding highlights as a postscript.  @Ulrich had already put a "like" on the above track; but this doesn't mean he will like anything below, except of course, some of the Cure stuff!  :winking_tongue

The singing on the next one is exceptionally good - Mr Smith really using his voice - the whole thing just really pops in a playlist.  :cool

(Hello, @piggymirror:))

The J section is pretty short but I love all these tracks...
SueC is time travelling


If I could have a piano with me for the quar, I would've learned this piece. definitely within my limited ability technically


Instead, another day of lazily revisiting the great New Wave classics in between trying to read and making pots of Earl Grey...



...oh yes, post. Thread. Song. Okay then...

You won't believe it, but Sepultura were probably inspired by this song.
I wonder what happened to Sepultura, it's like they vanished... Some of their stuff was effing good.

Btw, if I'm not mistaken, this is the Brazilian style called "forró".
It's not samba or bossa. I think it's typical from the Brazilian Northeast.
You can tell the African influence.


En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Funny how I wanted to look up some songs/vids from Barbara Manning on yt - turns out some of 'em have just been uploaded a few days ago!!

This is kind of a "lockdown" song...

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


The perfect quar song or what