Currently Listening to

Started by Steve, April 08, 2007, 08:56:52

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Hello WOAW! Lovely to see you also, we are doing just fine thank you, how are you? Hope things are ok down under <3

Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves


Glad to hear you are both safe and well.

I'm ok, still working and very busy (and a bit stressed as a result). Socially distancing as much as possible (so no change really 😉) Thankfully things are looking hopefully here in Australia, the curve is flattening over this last week (hurray!! 🥳) ...while this is looking positive my heart is with everyone else in the world in more difficult situations.
"Where the flesh meets the spirit world,
Where the traffic is thin..."



I really like the guitars and vocal on this... and especially the guitars at the end...

SueC is time travelling


Also from Australia (saw her twice with band "The Mis-Made" and just watched a live stream from her):

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Always been a minor, or casual, Fall fan: liked them a lot, never plunged into the albums as deeply as I have with the Stranglers or Cure or Banshees. Then came the global pandemic that changed everything...


Here's a new one from Paul Kelly, about public apathy while the world goes to hell in a handbasket.  This song is done with the pub choir; fabulous stuff.

SueC is time travelling


This of for @chemicaloverload - Happy Easter! :)  While not a song, it's definitely a "listening" - and a tribute to the completely edible Scottish accent, and also a fine sense of humour.

 :heart-eyes   :heart-eyes   :heart-eyes   :heart-eyes   :heart-eyes
SueC is time travelling


Now it looks like I listen to nothing but Australian musicians...  ;)

I'm walking slowly and quickly, but always away...


Listening to the Fall, I catch myself thinking how important this particular song was in the history of rock music.


For Fio and Kamilia. Happy Easter!

En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Mozart's Requiem is an interesting listen.  Here's my two favourite sections (but the whole thing is worth listening to in its entirety).

The Confutatis - found a really useful YT video with scrolling score:

...and the Lacrimosa...this is as it was used in Mozart's death scene in the movie Amadeus, and I couldn't stop crying when I first saw that because the combination of the music with the way that scene was filmed was just so powerful, like it stood in for all the heartbreak in the world...

Many years later, the director of our little recreational choir in town got really ambitious and decided to have a go at the Requiem with us.  We were never going to be superb at this, but I tell you, just the attempting of it was an unbelievable experience... ♥

SueC is time travelling


A song that had me on first listen when I was 16, and I love just as much over 30 years later:

...a nice instrumental...

...and a song off the same album from the point of view of Kaspar Hauser...

It remains one of my favourite albums ever.
SueC is time travelling


I was just throwing old stuff away, and I saw that name on one of the pages of a music mag.
Chrysta Bell.
That name...
Then I saw her name connected to David Lynch and David J.
So "something" told me that I wouldn't be doing anything wrong if I looked for some songs of hers.
And no, it's not bad at all, for now. I'll tell you more later, for now I'm on the 3rd song only.
That said, I've been having internet problems for two days in a row now, so I'm not sure it's likely that I'll be able to connect again today.