Night Kills The Day

Started by rockitmarty, March 29, 2007, 02:52:36

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 :rocker I Love new media I am not a fan of the music seen as of now everybody sounds the same
No matter what you hear POP, Rock, Hip Hop, it’s all the Same. It hurts me to see not only something I love to do but also something I do for a living be this way but that will soon change. One of my coworkers gave me this link  it has
Music and Videos of up and comers. One band stands out more than any other called
Night Kills The Day they are one of the better of the new bands I have heard in a long
You can check out that link and see what I am talking about


I think you might be my least favourite person on here.
Another Curefan for The Dark Christmas album.


Ok Marty, jig's up. I just Googled out your nickname and it seems you're some sort of half-assed spammer who hangs around music forums and posts random comments and product placements about various artists.

So, you've got one more chance to shape up or you're gone. I guess this is the point where you leave and move on to another forum?

I should have deleted you already, but I guess I'm in a good mood. 8)