The Cure's Saddest Song?

Started by Bloodflower, February 01, 2007, 02:45:06

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Which song do you consider to be saddest?

All Cats Are Grey
6 (3.5%)
The Funeral Party
7 (4%)
15 (8.7%)
5 (2.9%)
The Top
0 (0%)
4 (2.3%)
One More Time
3 (1.7%)
A Thousand Hours
2 (1.2%)
1 (0.6%)
Pictures of You
8 (4.6%)
1 (0.6%)
Last Dance
2 (1.2%)
The Same Deep Water As You
31 (17.9%)
4 (2.3%)
4 (2.3%)
8 (4.6%)
From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
2 (1.2%)
5 (2.9%)
To Wish Impossible Things
5 (2.9%)
5 (2.9%)
2 (1.2%)
Out Of This World
2 (1.2%)
The Last Day of Summer
5 (2.9%)
There Is No If...
6 (3.5%)
The Loudest Sound
3 (1.7%)
Cut Here
3 (1.7%)
Going Nowhere
0 (0%)
2 (1.2%)
1 (0.6%)
Charlotte Sometimes
2 (1.2%)
Other (Please state)
29 (16.8%)

Total Members Voted: 171


perhaps the saddest story. The Drowning Man.
...cry like the stone white clown and stand lost forever in a happy crowd...


Quote from: Joe on June 09, 2008, 06:49:48
There was a time when I always skipped over "To Wish Impossible Things" just because it made me so upset while listening to it. I guess that is the power of music for you.

I have been experiencing exactly the same thing with this song. Everytime I listen to it I wonder whether I can stay to the end or whether I will have to stop playing it because it's too much intensity



Im gonna make a bold statement here and say that I have never found any of their tracks sad or depressing. The Cure always was and always will be a pop band. Even RS  has stated that and he has written some of the best pure pop moments ever.
Im gonna take another slant on this question. Here in the UK, the term "sad" can also mean crap. You will probably flame me for saying this but if you know the cure, you will know this already-they have made some truely crap tracks in their career. They even made virtually a whole album of crap tracks-WMS anyone? Please!! KMKMKM could have been an outstanding single album but was made a double purely down to RS indugence. At least half of The Top is crap and in his "golden era" RS would have rejected most of the tracks.Young Americans, Just Say Yes, Mint Car.....god i could go on.
So i ask the question back to you all-what is The Cure's saddest song? For me it has to be Young Americans-i f'kin hate it!! ( and they do too!! )
The Exploded Boy


i have to admit, i never really thought of same deep water as you as a particularly sad song in the sense of it being about heart break or loss.  i always interpreted it more literally in that it is a statement to someone telling them that they are not alone in their despair, which to me is kind of a love song really.  but that is just my take on it.  for me the two songs that always come to mind in this category are untitled and a letter to elise.  the first one is self explanatory, it is about a loss to powerful and heart wrenching to a person that they will never ever get over the pain.  a letter to elise is probably not as obvious, but my take on the song is that it is dealing with two people in a relationship where one person is trying so desperately to make it work out, they want to be with that person very much but  "elise" does not seem to feel the same way, or at least not as intensely.  but for me the part that is the saddest is  the utter futility in the realization of the end and the powerful description of the feeling of the person writing to elise. "i thought this time i'd keep all of my promises, but i let the dream go and the promises broke and the make believe ran out".  then there is the utter despiration of the last lines "and every time i try, to pick it up, like falling sand as fast as i pick it up it runs away through my clutching hand"  for me that is really sad.  but for some reason, i am drawn to that song intensly "like a moth to a flame" which is another sad song btw.  i guess there is no real answer to this question, which is what makes it fun!


A Letter to Elise is terribly sad. :(
'Pictures of You' too. 'Boys Don't Cry' is actually a very sad song. 'Just Like Heaven', 'Lovesong', 'Homesick', 'Disintegration' are all classics.
This is a very hard question actually......
Misjudged your limits
Pushed you too far
Took you for granted
I thought that you needed me more
'Boys Don't Cry' is my favourite Cure song but it doesn't mean I'm not a hardcore fan. Disintegration is my favourite LP! The Cure are my favourite band!


Wow, very difficult question  :smth002 it depends on how much a person is sensitive...personally I think that The same deep water as you and Faith  are two of the saddest, but I can name without problems at least other 5 o 6 songs...
There's nothing left but hope...

"Studiare, capire e lavorare sodo per cambiare il mondo"


Quote from: SidneyCure on October 06, 2012, 17:32:01
A Letter to Elise is terribly sad. :(
'Pictures of You' too. 'Boys Don't Cry' is actually a very sad song.
The saddest songs are on Faith. No wonder Bob was thinking on suicide about this time (I think he didn't think to arrive to his 25th birthday)

The Cure - The funeral party

Memories of childrens dreams
Lie lifeless
Hand in hand with fear and shadows
Crying at the funeral party
2023.11.22 Lima
2023.11.27 Montevideo

Birdmad Guy


Saddest album is Pornography.

Steve Carson

It has to be THE SAME DEEP WATER AS YOU !!! surely .... :smth023


It's a tricky question because the choice really depends on the mood and the way you read the lyrics etc... I agree with David that as a whole album "Faith" is probably the saddest one... I do get this thing though with "Last Day of Summer" that really makes me sort of soft and teary inside... I know it might sound cheesy, but when you think about this song it really is about your life passing by, things ...and emotions, and people dying... and about missing something you wish was still here...

Also I love this song because it has the sound of sea and waves in the background and the sea is the greatest love of my life :)

So there you go...


The only track which makes me weep again and again is The Last Day Of Summer.
The same effect occurs with Faith and Sinking after a certain time, i.e. that I haven't listened
to it for months or even years.That happens. Some songs are terribly sad and you have to
cry and with others you're feeling more uplifted, e.g. with This Morning or The Top. Not necessarily
'happy' songs.
En cette nation [Russie] qui n'a pas eu de théoriciens et de démagogues,
les pires ferments de destruction ont apparu. (J. Péladan)


Quote from: MeltingMan on September 13, 2014, 21:14:01
The only track,which make me weeping again and again is The Last Day Of Summer.

and now is definitely the best possible time to listen to that track.. as a matter of fact I've been listening to it almost every day since the end of August... :/


I just pushed "Same Deep Water As You" into the #1 spot after being deadlocked with that almost-as-sad song "Other". It was a tough choice, but ultimately "Other" just isn't as sad ;)
The way she pulls me in sucks my breath away


No way I can declare their saddest song. I might be able to narrow it down to 10 or so.
Ha. But, the lyric that always struck me as saddest is this:

"And this is why I hate you
And how I understand
That no one ever knows or loves another
Or loves another"

The 'I miss you's in cut here always get me, too, but it's more about how Robert delivers them than anything else.

This also gutted me as a 16 year-old. Ha.

"and every time i try to pick it up
like falling sand
as fast as i pick it up
it runs away through my clutching hands"

There are so many others, if we really weighed them against each other. But, something about the way these lines were placed in the song, they way they were delivered, the accompanying music, and the remarkable storytelling involved, made these 3 particular moments stand out to me. They were the arrows that pierced the deepest.