Do they have it in them anymore?

Started by Bloodflower, January 17, 2007, 06:21:25

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well, in my humble opinion that's GREAT
i love it...and maybe it's my favourite album (even though tomorrow it could change  :-D )


Bloodflowers is incredible.

I think it's dangerous (and foolish) to expect an album greater than any they've done before, but I think there is no harm in hoping. In sheer terms of melody and lyrics and passion, I just don't think Robert can do it any more. That is, I don't think he can surpass Disintegration or Pornography, but that is not to say he can't make an album better than, say, Wish. :D
Another Curefan for The Dark Christmas album.




Fatter than Bob, balder than Porl, as sober as Simon, as amusing as Jason


I believe that Robert has got a trick or two up his sleeve...  :smth023

I love the old albums so much, the sound.. it has always been hard to like the latest albums.. Cure (2004) took me ages to like.. [WMS would probably be my least favourite (Club America I still don't like), although This is a lie has grown on me.]

Out of the glimpses of the 3 new songs, it sounds like Bob has still got a few more lyrics in him yet!

Not long to wait now.. :smth095
Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


I dont think Robert really wants to make another Disintegration or Pornography to be honest, what would be the point? Like a lot of people have said i agree that Bloodflowers is as good as Disintegration, i think so many albums are put down because people simply believe that whatever was made when they were younger is better - i listened to KMKMKM yesterday and had to turn it off because because it started to get on my nerves just how 80s it sounded.  ;)

If this album is something totally different, but not done so in a way thats just for the sake of it then i think it will be great. The mistake with the last album was that they had a guy basically telling them how to sound.

With regards to their live performance, id say theyve got more in them now than ever! Ok, so a keyboard or two here and there wouldnt hurt, but the energy and passion of a really young band is there.


Yes I agree strange_day, How can it be possible to make another 'Bloodflowers' or 'Disintegration'? It's been done already  :smth023

Although, as I mentioned, I love the haunting, depressive stuff, I do like the upbeat albums. ( WMS excluded.. sorry JANKO!)
We all believe Robert to be such a genius, and when he has pressure from the record companies, which he seems to have had this year, what is produced can be far from what he actually wanted. Let's hope that this delay and standing up to GEFFIN/SURETONE will let him be to produce a rather UNIQUE album! A stand alone.


Seventeen seconds
A measure of life


Yeh Leonard Cohen- interesting stuff, so hypnotic his voice. (RE: Janko msg)

I think should be ok, and the secrecy is good, If it was not going to be so good, I think it would be more hype
~The lack of hype is reassuring to me, in a strange way.
I think The Cure are quietly confident.

We will have to wait. . .  :smth020


I'm one of those who like the early stuff better -- I'm always afraid to say it because, if you do, you are often labeled as a snob -- so my expectations aren't hitting an all-time high or anything. I'm not saying the early albums are better, I'm not a music critic, it's just they they speak to me in a way that the later stuff doesn't (Faith above all). Of course The Cure's music has changed, and when you travel a different road you're obviously going to move away from some people's tastes and more towards others. Nevertheless, I can't help loving the Cure sound in all its different versions.
So, to answer the question (at last!), I think Robert has still *got it* -- he's just using it in a different way! :smth045


Yes, I think Robert has still "got it"...going by the show they put on in Adelaide this year, he sounded just amazing and has such passion and love for the touring that they were doing. If you don't have that passion, that burning in your belly, it would be foolish to even think about putting another album out.
I would imagine that it could be quite different from what was done years ago, but maybe a good mixture of the darker, heavier style with a smattering of something we may not expect? Whatever they do it will be what HE wants, nobody else!!
Crikeys...who knows!!??  :smth017
Expect the unexpected!! then you may not be disappointed... :smth023
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain "...


Quote from: scatcat on December 08, 2007, 16:44:20
Let's hope that this delay and standing up to GEFFIN/SURETONE will let him be to produce a rather UNIQUE album! A stand alone.

I noticed when i had a look in at the The Cure Official site,  That the logos at the bottom had changed, and now are Suretone, Geffen and Universal music group.

I attached them, for the sake of it,   :smth023

edit~ David has enlightened me, i didnt realise Universal owned Geffen, So there you go, learn something new everyday, well most, YEY :smth023
Maybe it means they are very slowly changing the 'official site', very sllllowwwllly, that is.   WOW a logo  :roll:  lol


Quote from: Bloodflower on January 17, 2007, 06:21:25
Do you honestly believe the Cure have it in them to make a better album than Disintegration or Pornography? I do not believe, but dammit I hope.

Pornography and Disintegration were drug fueled albums. This has been clearly stated by Robert.
The albums were also done around the time Robert was turning 20 and 30 (respectively).
They were both cathartic albums for him (and the band really) and will not ever be duplicated.
The band has "cleaned up" their act (kicking Boris out for that very reason) and have become different people since those works.

So yeah, maybe they'll produce something wonderful and unique, but they're never going to produce anything like those two albums again.

It's time to stop looking  backwards to other points in time for comparison's sake and just accept the new album on its own merits. Whatever it sounds like IS the sound of The Cure.
Constantly talking is not necessarily communicating.

Carnage Visor

I'm not one for comparing, but I think I shall be so frank as to say I don't think ANY bands can top themselves in the 80s. Music today has lost its quirkiness, it's spunk. Unless you dig deep into the world of indie rock, or foreign pop, you can't really find any bands nowadays with a sound much like The Cure did.

They'll always be The Cure to me, they'll always be my little baby. I might not love every song they put out, but who really ever does love EVERYTHING? There's always one thing at least we do not care for.

I can't wait. I just want The Cure back!!!